Sent: 3/26/2011 1:28:04 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: [DANTOCVIET] Chuyển tiếp: Please Help Hoa Hao BUDDHISM RELIGION
--- Ngày Thứ 7, 26/03/11, Robert Tran <> đã viết:
Từ: Robert Tran <>
Chủ đề: Please Help Hoa Hao BUDDHISM RELIGION
Ngày: Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 3, 2011, 10:23
President Barack ObamaThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500March, 28 2011Dear President Barack Obama,We just received information from the Chairman of the Central Committee Lê Quang Liêm in Vietnamese so we translated it to English. We would like to ask you for help, to help these people, the letter is below.CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF HOA HAO BUDDHISM FAITH
- OoOoo -
It's only 4 days till the Grand Celebration of the martyrdom day of our Holy Huynh, whose was brutally murdered by the Communist Party of Viet Minh 64 years ago @ Doc Vang in 1947. This year, the Celebration is being organized in the private residence of Mr. Tran Nguyen Huon of Long Giang , Cho Moi Village, An Giang Province.
Throughout 35 years of Communist Rules from the day of using brutal force to impose a Communist regime to the people of Viet Nam in April 1975, the Regime never stop using their brutal Security Apparatus to forbid the Celebration day of Martyrdom, without publicly declared their reason not to allow the Celebration to be held.
This year, as usual for the past 35 years, they forbid the Celebration day with a more and more repressive measures as follows:
A) The Regimes' "THREAT AND INTIMIDATION" approach:At An Giang Province:
From 18-3-2011 till 23-3-2011 , Security apparatus summoned Officials of the Religion to the Police Province Office for a "meeting", to be chaired by Major Thanh. The Officials were forced to attend are:
-Mr. Trần Nguyên Huon, Leader of the Hoa Hao Faith of An Giang Province, owner of the residence whereby the Celebration to be held this year.
-Mr. Phan Văn Chung, Leader of the Compatriots Youth of An Giang Province.
-Mr. Nguyễn Thanh Hùng, Committee member of the Faith.
-Mr. Tống Văn Chính, Deputy Leader of the Hoa Hao Faith of An Giang Province.
-Mr. Nguyễn Văn Vinh, Committee member of the Faith.
-Mr. Bùi Văn Heo, Committee member of the Faith.
-Mr. Hà Văn Duy Hồ, Leader of the Faith's Compatriots Youth of VietNam
During the course of the meeting, The security apparatus using the THREAT AND INTIMIDATION approach such as the following 4 tactics:
1 –Labelling " Faith's Compatriots Youth of VietNam " is an illegal organization. It's a strange that a group of Youths gather to do things for the devotion for the country is illegal, whilst the Leaders of the country giving islands, lands, sea, to the Communist China and obey every of China's orders against the interest of the VietNamese people is legal ???
2 – Stating that the organizing of the Celebration day is illegal without giving a single reason why it is illegal. It's an order by the security apparatus and it has to be obeyed by.
3 – Threatening that any people participating in the Celebration will be persecuted by the security apparatus. Nowhere in the world that people participating in any Celebration would be persecuted by the Police, except in VietNam.
4 – Stating that the security apparatus will break up the Celebration and the participating people will be prosecuted as "creating a disturbance to the peace". This is a blunt threat coming from an un-elected Regime. The Regime has no respect whatsoever for the freedom of gathering as proclaimed by the Human Rights Declaration of the United Nations, Vietnam also a signatory to this @ the end of 2006, prior to joining WTO.
The debate were heated during the "meetings". The Regime apparatus used threatening language, unsuitable for even a criminal organization, leaves alone being the regime governing the lives of 86 millions people. On the otherhand, the people of Hoa Hao Religion believed that God is on their side so they were not afraid of the regime.
At the end, all the people of the Faith stood up and walked off the meeting, saying "Wait and see".
They were further intimidated by "police interviews" one by one, different time and different places but their answers are the same, defiant as ever to the regime.
a/ On 23-3-2011, A provincial police team with the Leaders being Colonel Duy and Major Viet summoned Ms My Hanh to a "police interview" . Ms. My hanh is a loyal Faith's follower, her father is being imprisoned as a Prisoner of conscience for demanding the Religious Freedom for the Hoa Hao Faith.
Ms Lê Thị Mỹ Hạnh wrote a letter of intending to commit suicide via self-immolation. She has given an interview with the Radio Free Asia @ 7.30pm on 22.03.2011 stressing her wish to die as a martyr for the cause of Religious Freedom.
The conversation between Ms My hanh and the police is basically as defiant as the one in the An Giang province's Faith's Leaders. The security force asked her if the idea of self-immolation was hers, the reply was that she decided to go along to that path to protest against the brutal persecution of the regime with respect to the Faith of Hoa Hao in particular and in the whole spectrum of Religions in general. She in turn asked the security apparatus that while putting down the religion, do they use their conscience or just follow orders from the regime ???? Without waiting for an answer, she stood up and walked off the conversation. They asked her to sign the record of interview, she refused.
b/ On 24-3-2011, the security apparatus lead by Colonel Duy summoned Mr Bùi Văn Luốc, Leader of the Hoa Hao Faith of Vinh Long Province and Mr Nguyen Ngọc Tân, Leader of the Compatriots Youth of Vinh Long Province, the story is very much similar to the An Giang province.
On 24-3-2011, The security apparatus lead by Colonel Minh summoned Mr. Nguyen Van Ngan, Leader of the Compatriots Youth of Đồng Tháp Province, the story is very much similar to the An Giang province.
Those are evens up to 24.03.2011 and no doubt, in the days leading to the Celebration, there would be more evenful confrontation between the 2 parties with the brutal and mean conduct belongs to the Regime.
B) INTIMIDATION BY THE OVERWHELMING PRESENT OF THE SECURITY FORCEFrom 20-3-2011, the authority has been using round the clock presents in overwhelming numbers to intimidate people from attending the Celebration. Their actions are as follows:
1-A team of 15 police on a round the clock intimidation mission to the neighbor of Ms. My Hanh residence in Village Đong Thạnh, District Binh Minh, Vinh Long province.
2-A contingent of more than 20 police stand guards near the residence of Mr. Phan Van Tiep, an official of the Faith.
3-On the perimeter of 3 km from the Celebration venues, up to 500 police and security force stationed inside the people's house and sometimes, as a show of force, they all come on to the street with full riot gears for the purpose of intimidation of the population for not participating to the Celebration.
4-All the road leading to the venues are occupied with police with full riot gear just for intimidation purpose.
5-Hundreds of houses of officials of the faith has been guarded by the police and they are at will to order any member of that house to stay in side….ie. forbidden to leave the house eventhough the people are not under house arrest or on bail by any stretch of imagination.
Through these actions, it is very clear on the intention of the regime not to allow the Celebration to go ahead, with a flagrant disregard to the freedom of gathering for the 7 millions faithful followers of the Religion. Not only that, the freedom of worshipping, of religious etc…has been disregards for these people even though the regime is a signatory to the UN Conventions on Human Rights. These violations are warranted that the regime should be on the Country of Particular Concerns List (CPC) the sooner the better for the people of Vietnam.
LATE NEWS:At 17h30 on 24-3-2011, Major Mỹ (Police Chợ Mới Village) together with Colonel Nguyễn Văn Quyền, Deputy Director of Police of An Giang provinces walked into the house of Mr. Hà Văn Duy Hồ, Leader of the Faith's Compatriots Youth of VietNam and made the following threats:
-An Giang Province is under my control, I forbid the Faith to organize the Celebration, even if the Minister for Police, Lê Hồng Anh given permission the the Celebration, my order is final.
-From 26-3-2011, Mr. Hồ is forbidden to leave his house. If he decided to disobey this order, he may encounter un-explained death.
-The people declared self-immolation is not serious, even if they were, the more of you die from self-immolation, the better for the country.
-Nobody takes any notice of Mr Liêm. He is too old and may drop dead anytime soon. I may go to his house in Ho Chi Minh City, pull the gun and empty my bullets to his head and walk out, who is going to do anything to me ??? .etc . . and etc . .
The threat and intimidation words from Colonel Quyen showed that the regime has a flagrant disregard for Human Rights, Religious freedom, freedom of gathering. To this end, the Hoa Hao Buddhism is not to be intimidated, we will act decisively for our Faith.
On behalf of the Hoa Hao Buddhism, I sincerely post these news for the world to see and once again:
We are sincerely ask:-All the religions, political parties, all the people of VietNam all over the world, prints and electronic media,
-United nations Human Rights Commissions, all the Human Rights Organization to the rest of the world, all the parliaments, Senates of the World, in particular House of Representatives and The senates of the United States of America, The Tom Lantos Committee on Human Rights and Religiuos freedom,
Please give us your un-reserved supports so that we can overcome this battle against the tyranny of Communism, to bring to our people the Celebration day, in order to prove that the Religious Freedom, the Freedom of gathering, of expression, of Justice for all of our people is not being denied for the people of VietNam. The dictatorship, Totalitarian regime must go for the good of all the people of Vietnam.
VN, date 24 tháng 3 year 2011
Chairman of the Central Committee
Lê Quang Liêm
Thank you, and may God Bless You.
Sincerely,Dung Xuan Nguyen,M.D.,Thinh Le, Philip Duong,Duoc Nguyen, Thuc Tran, Robert Tran, Huong Que Nguyen, Phuong Pham. Nang Vo.1.Dung Xuan Nguyen,M.D.3736 So. G St.Tacoma, Wa 98418Tel. 253-473-70812.Thuc Tran8730 49th St.Pinellas Park, FL 33782Tel: (727)-541-66023. Phuong Pham1009 E. Capitol Expressway #126San Jose, CA 95121Tel: (408)-206-05074. Duoc Nguyen1815 S. 90th St.Tacoma, WA 98444TeL: (253)-468-57415. Philip Duong2403 Ohara Ct.San Jose, Ca 95133Tel. 408-929-22106. Robert Tran1742 So. 90th StTacoma, Wa 98444Tel. 253-473-58577. Huong Que Nguyen13238 Gaby Virbo Dr.Houston, TX 77083Tel. 281-933-24118. Le Thinh2160 Encinal Ave.Alameda, ca 94510Tel. 510-551-11149. Nang Tai Vo
2330 S. Ferry St.
Tacoma, Wa 98405
Tel. 253-627-5957Thank You!
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